A história do OFMatic...

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sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2023

OFMatic Online

           No passado dia 16 de fevereiro, os alunos do OFMatic que estão a participar no projeto eTwinning “3D Print-Creation of Educational Aids” , participaram num encontro online com os restantes membros deste projeto. Estiveram presentes representantes de 8 escolas de 5 países (Portugal, Grécia, Bósnia e Herzegovina, Turquia e Eslováquia).

Neste projeto são lançados desafios mensais que consistem na criação de jogos no Tinkercad que posteriormente serão impressos na impressora 3D. Os alunos tiveram a oportunidade de apresentar os seus projetos criados e impressos, falar um pouco sobre si e o que fazem no clube no âmbito deste projeto.

Alunos do Clube OFMatic

Last February 16, OFMatic students who are participating in the eTwinning project "3D Print-Creation of Educational Aids" participated in an online meeting with the other members of this project. Representatives from 8 schools from 5 countries (Portugal, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey and Slovakia) were present.

In this project monthly challenges are launched that consist in the creation of games in Tinkercad that will later be printed in the 3D printer. The students had the opportunity to present their created and printed projects, talk a little about themselves and what they do in the club in the scope of this project.

Students of the OFMatic Club

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